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Top > 911 > ENGINE > LOWER ENGINE > FLYWHEEL > Flywheel bolt, 911 (65-69)


Flywheel bolt, 911 (65-69)

Flywheel bolt, 911 (65-69)
 Available 10.80 € TTC
9.00 € HT
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Our flywheel bolt is used in the following vehicles :


Porsche 911 2.0 L (1965-1969)              

Porsche 911 S 2.0 (1967-1969)    

Porsche 911 T 2.0 (1968-1969)      

Porsche 911 L 2.0 (1968-1969)              

Porsche 911 E 2.0 (1969)   


The flywheel bolts secure the flywheel to the crankshaft, and as such are subject to high stress.  It is therefore recommended to replace your flywheel bolts every time your flywheel is taken down or replaced.


Quantity required per vehicle: 6


Note: this part is sold individually.

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